Tuesday, January 19, 2021

We won't be silenced.

 Smaller blogs like mine just don’t have the traffic to justify the expense of a dedicated server. So I have a solution. I have set up a virtual server that is outside of the USA and will not respond to cancel culture arm twisting. The expense is a bit high for a small blog, but my aim is to make it more affordable by splitting the cost.

Your entire blog can be moved for a small fee and placed on that server. The cost for the server is $25 a month, paid quarterly. If anyone is interested, drop me an email at divemedic@sectorocho.com. Put "won't be silenced" in the subject line. 

Pass the word. 


Irish said...

Interested. I’ll be in touch.

Phil said...

Me too. Will get ahold of you in two days.