Monday, November 2, 2020

Keeping secrets from parents

 I was informed by a female student that she is "nonbinary" and wants to be referred to by a male name - let's call it "Steve." I refused. The school is telling me that I MUST call a student by whatever name they choose for themselves. They also have told me that I cannot divulge the student's sexual identity to anyone- including the child's parents- without the student's permission. 

I am not going to. In fact, I will only refer to students by the name that they are registered under. I am also refusing to keep such a secret from the child's parents. They can fire me if they want, but I promise that should that happen, I will make sure that the school district becomes national news. 


Miguel GFZ said...

Hear hear...

TCK said...

How conservative leaning is your section of Florida? Because I'd imagine that might make a big difference in how willing they are to go to court over the issue.

TechieDude said...

Well then. I guess "steve" needs to go register for the class to be counted on the role.

And it should bring 'steve's' transcripts.