Monday, November 2, 2020

Keeping secrets from parents

 I was informed by a female student that she is "nonbinary" and wants to be referred to by a male name - let's call it "Steve." I refused. The school is telling me that I MUST call a student by whatever name they choose for themselves. They also have told me that I cannot divulge the student's sexual identity to anyone- including the child's parents- without the student's permission. 

I am not going to. In fact, I will only refer to students by the name that they are registered under. I am also refusing to keep such a secret from the child's parents. They can fire me if they want, but I promise that should that happen, I will make sure that the school district becomes national news. 


  1. How conservative leaning is your section of Florida? Because I'd imagine that might make a big difference in how willing they are to go to court over the issue.

  2. Well then. I guess "steve" needs to go register for the class to be counted on the role.

    And it should bring 'steve's' transcripts.


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