Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Situation report

 It seems like the rioting in Portland suddenly stopped. Why? In May, an Antifa candidate for Portland Mayor came in second against Ted Wheeler, triggering a run off election. She was trailing him 49 to 24 percent

Until the first week of September, when Wheeler began polling with a 63 percent negative rating after 100 days of riots. This virtually guarantees that Antifa will have their candidate elected and will own the city of Portland. 

With that mission accomplished, it is time for Antifa to move on. So they begin setting fires and attacking utility infrastructure by cutting down utility poles

So in short, the riots in Portland have stopped because the battlefield has moved on. 

1 comment:

  1. I think antifa already owns Portland. They've conquered it, and if they get a duly elected antifa mayor, which seems inevitable, they're truly screwed. I've seen her interviewed. She thinks the riots, looting and burning are all just innocent protests. No problems, nothing bad, pay no attention to those blinded by directed energy weapons.

    Unfortunately, with no alternative, the idiot voters that got Portland into this mess just condemned anyone sane in the area to a life sentence. If they're living in the area and working for a living, do you think they can sell their house, get a job and move out?


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