Monday, July 13, 2020

Legitimate Questions

Teachers all over are being told that we have to teach the kids face to face when school restarts in two weeks. OK. I'm cool with that. However, I do have some questions:

1 What happens if I test positive? Am I required to stay home for two weeks? If so, is it without pay? Or is it considered an on the job injury, and would I be eligible for workers' comp?

2 Same with medical expenses. Who pays? Me? My health insurance, or workers' comp?

3 Since masks are not required of students, what happens if a kid comes in sick? Can I refuse to allow him in my classroom until he tests negative?

4 Considering the answers to 1,2, and 3: Then does that mean I can continue to come in as well, rather than have to burn my own sick leave?

5 If I test positive, a contact tracer will ask me a bunch of invasive questions about where I go, who I talk to, and other personal details. Am I required to answer? What happens if I don't?

I am sure there are many more, and these are questions that no one yet seems to have answers for.

1 comment:

  1. #5: hell, you probably can't give out student info. I'm sure there's a law against it.


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