Saturday, February 17, 2018

Here, here

Tip of the cap to Chris Byrne:

First, there will never be any meaningful gun control passed on the federal level in this country, ever again, no matter what lies the Democratic leadership tell you, because they know that gun control is their abortion... it's electoral suicide, but it's great to raise money by lying to the gullible about.

Next... anyone who knows a single damn thing about guns, law, and crime, knows that there is no law that will keep guns put of the hands of criminals, and there is no law that will stop criminals and crazy people, from killing others... in fact there's no law that can even substantively reduce those things.

Laws don't prevent crime... They just set the punishment if the criminal gets caught... and in case you missed it, criminals mostly don't much care about the law while theyre actually doing the crimes... otherwise they wouldn't be doing them... but criminals mostly don't think that much about consequences... that's pretty much why they're criminals.

It's been studied by the FBI, DOJ, and NIJ for about 100 years now, and there is absolutely zero correlation between lawful gun ownership, and crime with firearms, or violent crime of any kind... more lawfully owned guns actually means slightly less crime in most cases.

Lawful gun owners commit violent crimes at a rate appx 1/10th that of POLICE OFFICERS... never mind the general public... and because guns are expensive, most lawful gun owners take very good care of their guns, and store them quite securely.

It's comparatively rare that lawfully owned guns are actually stolen... but it's funny... no matter how strict the gun control, and no matter how severe the penalties for firearms possession are, criminals always get guns easily, whenever they want them. Because they're criminals, who already don't obey the law, and there are already literally billions of guns on this planet, with at least 50 million more made every single year...

...and contrary to what those ignorant about guns believe, well made guns don't just wear out or break... they can easily last for over 100 years of frequent use.

... and it's not like you can make murder, or felon in posession of a gun, double secret illegal...

Gun control is what you do, instead of actually doing something. It's what you yell and scream about, and politicians raise money for, but never actual,y do, because it's electorally harmful, and doesn't work.

Even if you could somehow ban and confiscate all appx. 1 billion guns in this country...

Oh... yes thats right, it's over 1 billion and has been for years and years... The 300-350 million number was already out of date when it was first published in 1994, and the U.S. has manufactured and imported between 12 million, and 24 million guns a year, every year since then... appx. 10-15% of which alone, are AR15s by the way... so it's not 1 million, or 2 or 3 or even 8 million ARs out there... there have been more than 2 million ARs made every year since 2004 alone, and it would shock me if there weren't at least 35, if not 50 million ARs in public hands.

... so really, its physcially, logistically, and legally impossible....

...but, even if you could...

Here's the kicker... Anyone with basic mechanical skill, can build a working firearm, and working ammunition, in their garage or bedroom, with basic power and hand tools. If you actually want to spend a little money.. as in about $1500 in homebrew CNC milling gear, and another $1500 for a comparable lathe and homebrew rifling machine... anyone can make their own illegal, but fully functional and entirely untraceable machine guns, by the hundreds if they feel like doing so, in a small garage, with no way of ever being caught or tracked, without all that much more difficulty. You can make an AR15 with $1500 worth of CBC gear... and another one, and another one, and another one.. as many as you want, forever.

So... are you going to ban or tightly control all machine tools, CNC gear, casting supplies, welders, 3d printers, p drill presses, and all sales of aluminum and steel.

I will repeat for those of you who are exceptionally stupid, or exceptionally self deluding... IT IS NOT ACTUALLY POSSIBLE to "control guns".

I can literally go into a home depot with a couple hundred bucks, and buy the tools and materials to build functioning repeating handguns in an hour or so, then go home and make a half dozen of them in a day. I can build a functioning shotgun, while I'm actually still in the store, using stuff lying around on the shelves.

Since guns can't actually be banned and confiscated... and we wouldn't let you do so even if they could be... then what's your idea?

... and how exactly would it reduce or eliminate crime, without trampling on the rights of others?

Or... How would it ever possibly work in any way, at all?

You see, I have had this discussion, literally thousands of times, with thousands of people like you. I've had every idea you have had, and I know how bad they all are, and how they will all fail, because the fundamental concept of gun control, is impossible, and imbecillic. It's a childish fantasy.

There are no new ideas, there are no good ideas, because the fundamental concept is itself impossible, and stupid.

If you don't get that by now, it's because you don't care about reality, and insist on living in a fantasy world... you just don't like guns, and you don't like people who like guns, and you want big daddy government to make you feel better, and reality doesn't matter because the feelz and because you said so, so there...


The approximately half of all households in this country who own guns say NO.

Reality says NO.

You don't get more gun control... The 20,000 plus laws you've already tried didn't work, and you've already trampled over enough rights, and ruined enough lives with your patently stupid and evil laws... and you don't get any more.

We refuse to submit to your childish emotionalist stupidity.


So... now what?

If your answer is "We send men with guns to come take your guns" then you've just admitted your failure and your hypocrisy ...

Because now you have admitted that it's not that you want "reasonable gun control"... it's that you want only people you personally approve of having guns, and you're perfectly willing to kill your fellow americans...

....well, no, you're too much of a moral and physical coward to get your own hands dirty doing so..

..but you're willing to send out another armed man to do so on your behalf.... after all, you're morally superior, and he's just a paid thug with a badge right?

Because that is what you say you think all American cops are, down at your fashionable protest meeting of upper middle class overeducated but otherwise fundamentally useless white people, crusading for the rights of those poor... other people you dont actually have to mingle with in your social circles... right?

The thing is... we have the constitution AND the law on our side... and we own the guns... so...

...What exactly do you think you're going to do?

Do you think that outside of a few major urban areas the police or military are on your side?

I've got news for you... those men and women you detest, who you think are the bottom of the barrel, and only serve because they don't have any better options? Those cops you think are bigots and jackbooted thugs, and civil rights abusers?

Yeah... they're US.. not you... in fact, they mostly hold you in contempt at best.... fitting since thats how you feel about and treat them... and no, they are not on your side.

... You couldn't even beat Donald Trump, no matter how hard you cheated for God's sake... I mean... how much does the country have to hate you and your candidates, that DONALD TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT?

And guess what... You mostly live in metropolitan enclaves, serviced by just in time inventories of the basic needs of life.... with supply lines that are ridiculously easily cut. We live on more than 90% of the land, and actually know what to do with it.

... Major metropolitan areas become deathzones if water and power get shut off for 3 or 4 days... or food deliveries cut off for a week.

So... that "reckoning"... The "final solution for my kind of people"... yeah, no...

What would actually happen if you actually came after us, or our guns , is that you'd be personally shitting yourself and begging for mercy in about oh... 72 hours? Maybe 96 on the outside? And we wouldn't have to do a damn thing, because you would be murdering each other in the streets for canned food within days...

However, there's a big difference between our side, and your side...

We aren't OK with sending other people to kill you, just because you're delusional proto NAZIs...

We actually believe in the constitution, and the fundamental radical experiment that is our country.. and that everyone has fundamental, inherent, and preexisting rights... even the people we don't like...

And were not... you know... The actual evil protoNAZI fuckwits that you have shown yourself to be.

Unlike you, we wouldn't be happy to destroy our country in exchange for a tyranny of the bien pensant.... modern day democidal Robespierres wrapped in the mantle of social justice, and mass murder of "deplorables" "for the good of the children, and of society as a whole"..

So, it would never get that far...

Because, you see, inside your bubble, you believe that you represent the majority of right thinking americans...after all, nobody you know voted for trump... or any Republican, right? And you're sure that there's going to be a huge left landslide in 2018... everyone you know says so... msnbc and Newsweek are positive...

You're so damn sure that you've already won... that you've let the mask slip, and shown the world what you really are...

You are the embodiment of banal and petty tyrannical and totalitarian evil...

.. and... as it turns out...

...while only about 37% of the country actually likes Trump...

...about 80% of the country REALLY HATES EVIL PETTY TYRANTS LIKE YOU...

....and since you're picking the Democratic nominees this time around, and making sure theyre all as close to exactly like you as possible... and youre going to self righteously sanctimoniously and oh so very smugly shove it in everyones face from now til November...

...Yeah... there's going to be a landslide, and a "reckoning" alright...

.. it's just not going to be in the direction you were so certain about...

... Just ask Pauline Kael about how Nixon got elected, and reelected, in a massive landslide... after all, she didn't know a single person who voted for him.

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