Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weight and health

I had my annual physical exam done back in September. When the blood work came back, it showed an A1C of 6.6. Anyone with an A1C of more than 6.5 is a diabetic, and the doctor said that they would have to confirm it with a second test before officially diagnosing me with that disease. She said that the early diagnosis of diabetes can sometimes be reversed if the patient were to lose 10-15% of their body weight.

That test result changed my life. I weighed a little over 300 pounds that day, 5 months ago. I changed my eating habits, and now I weigh 235 pounds, and I am still losing. I have lost 22% of my body weight, and I continue to lose about three pounds a week.

Last week, I got the results of my second A1C test back: it was a 5.8. I am hoping to be under 200 pounds by May. A 100 pound weight loss in 8 months. Incredible.


  1. Wow, and congrats!

    You want to post how you did it? 3 pounds a week is amazing.

  2. So proud of you.

    I had been concerned about your weight but knew it wasn't my place to say and didn't want to be a nag.

    : )


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