Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Accidental rifle purchase

Couple buys a baby bouncer from Goodwill, and there is a Mossberg 715 inside of the box. What a bargain! A $300 rifle for $10.

What I don't understand is why the police confiscated it.


  1. They ran the numbers, it was not stolen: Finder Keepers.

  2. PS: Floridians can check for stolen firearm with the FDLE online

  3. To me, this story doesn't add up - or at least the reporting I've read doesn't add up.
    For example, the one article I read claimed that local police checked if the finders had proper permits for the gun - Florida, like most states, doesn't require permits for long guns.

    I'm with you about the confiscation thing, but I suspect the cops did it because they could and the finders didn't fight it.


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